Smart Serve

Welcome to your Smart Serve Training
The Smart Serve Responsible Alcohol Beverage Sales & Service Training Program is approved by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) as the only responsible alcohol training program for Ontario.
The training program was developed in 1995 with a mandate to train and increase awareness of responsible alcohol sales and service for all Licensees and employees. As a leader, Smart Serve Ontario strives to create a safer and healthier Ontario. They proudly support ongoing research, as well as education in the tourism and hospitality industry.
Individual training can be completed online 24/7. The training will prepare you to work in any environment where alcohol is sold, served, delivered, or sampled, in the province of Ontario. Get ready to learn with short videos, quizzes, text/audio, activities, and games before completing the Final Certification Test online.
The online program is fully translated and available in six (6) different languages: English, French, Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, and Spanish.
Sign up for the Online Course HERE.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 4 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English, French, Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, and Spanish
- Students 1
- Assessments Yes